Sunday, November 27, 2011

I Love Broccoliraab!!

Dad always said it in his heavy Italian accent as one word. Broccoli Raab is a very bitter green, it's an acquired taste. Most commonly it's served with sausage, I love it tossed with pasta, other tasty additions are pepperoni, ham hock, pork chops, I guess the possibilities are endless. Really easy to cook and just 3 ingredients besides the salt and pepper of course:

broccoli raab 
good olive oil
garlic (I used 6-8 for 2 lbs)
salt and pepper to taste

I cut the stems off (but most Italians would say "your throwing half of it away"), and wash really good, then just toss it all together in a pot with about a half inch of water on the bottom, cover tightly and steam until it reaches your idea of tender, I just mine cooked very soft.
* I love mine tossed with cavatelli (aka bullets in my family)
** some lemon and red hot pepper flakes would be good too
*** you either love it of hate it and I LOVE it!!!!

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